Monday, January 13, 2014

New Project - Building an awesome house in 7 Days to Die (Day 1)

So I've begun a new project.  This time, I'm not building a computer but I've recently taken an interest in the game 7 Days to Die.  It's an amalgamation of Minecraft and various zombie shooters although the graphics are much better than that of Minecraft.

Anyway, given the scope and flexibility of the building system within the game, I thought I would be able to create a rather nice looking house.

Before I began, I had the following thoughts/goals:

1. The building should be aesthetically pleasing
2. I want the inside of the building to feel as if someone could literally move in and live there
3. Given #1, I will forgo most of the defensive mechanisms that one would normally implement inside the game such as building a perimeter of spikes.  Instead, I will surround the whole building with a deep enough ditch so the zombies will die from falling.

With these things in mind, I did some initial planning for my awesome future house.  Here is a summary of what I did:

Building Material: Mostly reinforced concrete.  I discovered that it is one of the few building blocks within the game that keeps its perfectly straight edges when placed on the ground  Most of the other materials will warp with the landscape.

Flooring: I want to have a nice hard wood floor for the house and it's a toss up between the old wood blocks or the normal wood planks.  I picked the latter because I thought it would bring some warmth to the house given its yellowish hue.

Floor Plan and Sizing: The picture below (Figure 1) is my initial drawing of what I imagined the house would general look like and how each room would be divided up.  I had no thoughts yet on exactly how wide, tall, long the whole thing would be.  I was just going to section off an area in the game and see how it goes.

Figure 1 - Initial Floor Plan
This was my first go at planning out the building.  Stay tuned for how everything went.

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